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Steviva Blend Stevia Sweetener, Steviva (2268g)

₱ 1,774.98


Pros: Pleasant tasting, flows like sugar, large pack size equals great value, no bitter aftertaste, sweeter than sugar, low in calories and carbohydrates.
Cons: More expensive than sugar, does not crystallize during cooking.

We love this Steviva Blend 5lb bag, especially in its similarity to sugar. The addition of erythritol (an all natural grain extract) means that it can be easily sprinkled on food. It’s also great for cooking and baking in that, unlike stevia drops or powder, its volume goes some way to replacing the actual quantity of sugar used. We have tried this product in a wide variety of foods, both cooked and raw, and have found it to work well in most cases. Some examples of the way we have successfully used this as a sugar-substitute are:

Sprinkle on dishes - pancakes, fruit, cereals ...
Add to savoury dishes as required - sauces, Thai curry ...
Cakes and cup cakes
Ice cream
Chocolate brownies
and other beverages

Its main drawback is that it doesn’t crystallize during cooking or baking so you won’t get the ‘crunch’ that sugar gives. But if , like us, you want to become sugar-free (oh yes and low-carb too!) then we feel that it’s a small price to pay.

Stevia Domain
(we only review products which we have used)

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Date Added: 02/18/2013 by Stevia Domain

Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate


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